Case Studies
We guarantee our results

Veracity clients can spend 30-40% less than the national average on healthcare.


Cost to Member


Savings on Prescription


International Drug Annual Savings

International Pharmacy



A member required 3 types of brand-name drugs needed to treat Type II Diabetes and blood clots. Due to the high U.S. retail price of brand-name drugs, the employer’s estimated annual cost was supposed to be $22,200.


VeracityRx’s Pharmacist Concierge Service who works as the patient’s advocate was able to acquire the brand-name drugs internationally at half the cost. This resulted in a total savings of $11,100 annually for the employer and $0 cost for the member.


As a result, the member:

  • Was treated for Type II Diabetes, Blood Clots
  • Annual cost to member: $0

As a result, the employer:

  • Received 50% savings
  • Cost to employer: $11,100 vs $22,000

"VeracityRx gets more patients approved for assistance, saves more money for the employer and is more responsive than the other companies that do patient assistance programs."


Cost to Employer and/or Member


Savings on Prescription


Specialty Drug Annual Savings




Due to the tier level of the specialty drug, the member’s estimated monthly cost was supposed to be $41,000.


VeracityRx’s Pharmacist Concierge Service who works as the patient’s advocate was able to acquire the specialty drug for one year at no cost. This resulted in a total savings of $492,000 annually.


As a result, the member:

  • Was treated for the condition
  • Cost to the employer and/or member: $0
  • $492,000 saved

"VeracityRx worked with us every step of the way to take care of our employees on Specialty Medications. The transition has been smooth."